2018 “Global Citizenship Summer Institute (이하 GCSI)” 참여할 행정학과 학부생을 모집합니다.



<프로그램 개요>


The Global Citizenship Summer Institute (June 24 – July 22, 2018) aims to enhance Social Sciences students' awareness of the importance of Asia in the globalizing world. The four-week programme is designed for international students consisting of three areas of focus: social, cultural, and political development in East Asia.


It is expected that there will be about 40 international and Hong Kong students enrolled in this 4-week programme in 2018. Students will spend two weeks in Taipei (June 24 - July 8) followed by two weeks in Seoul (July 9 - 22). In order to encourage the exchange of student experiences, we are pleased to offer 3 free places (programme fee waived) to students from Department of Public Administration at Korea University to join this Summer Institute.


선발인원: 2-3

장소: 타이완 (2), 서울 (2)

참가비용: 면제 (수업료, 타이완 현지 체류비, 교통비 면제. , 서울-타이페이 왕복 항공료는 자비 부담)

제출서류: 아래의 서류들을 한 개의 PDF file로 통합하여 행정학과 <flyfly87@korea.ac.kr>로 제출.


1.     Letter of intention (자유 양식, 영문으로 작성할 것): 300 words (Required)

2.     영문 성적표 (Required)

3.     공인 영어시험 점수 (Recommended)



<선발 일정>


1.     서류 제출 기간: 2018 3 19일∼2017 3 27

2.     면접일: 서류 심사 후 개별통보



* 지원과 관련된 질문은  <flyfly87@korea.ac.kr>로 문의 바람